
Lutein and zeaxanthin: Eye and vision benefitsより

There currently is no Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) or Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) for lutein or zeaxanthin, but some experts say you should ingest at least 6 milligrams (mg) of lutein per day for beneficial effects.


It remains unclear how much lutein and zeaxanthin is needed daily for adequate eye and vision protection. Also, it is unknown at this time whether supplements have the same effect as lutein and zeaxanthin obtained through food sources.


There are no known toxic side effects of taking too much lutein or zeaxanthin. In some cases, people who eat large amounts of carrots or yellow and green citrus fruits can develop a harmless yellowing of the skin called carotenemia. Though the appearance of the condition can be somewhat alarming and may be confused with jaundice, the yellow discoloration disappears by cutting back on consumption of these carotenoid-rich foods. (Carotenemia also can be associated with over-consumption of carotenoid-rich nutritional supplements.)



Dose-ranging study of lutein supplementation in persons aged 60 years or older.より

Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2007 Jan;48(1):17. de Monastario, Francisco


To examine the dose-response relationship between oral lutein supplementation and serum lutein concentrations in persons aged 60 years and older, with or without age-related macular degeneration (AMD).



Forty-five participants with no AMD, large drusen, or advanced AMD, were randomized to receive one of three doses (2.5, 5, or 10 mg) of lutein for 6 months and to be observed for 6 additional months after the cessation of lutein supplementation.



The mean age of the participants (33 women) was 71 years (range: 60-91). The serum lutein concentrations of each dose group were similar before supplementation, increased at 1 month, and peaked by 3 months. Median serum concentrations of the 2.5-, 5-, and 10-mg groups from baseline to month 6 increased from 18.7 to 35.1 microg/dL (2-fold increase), from 17.8 to 59.2 microg/dL (2.9-fold increase), and from 15.1 to 66.8 microg/dL (4-fold increase), respectively (all P < 0.001). The increases in lutein serum concentrations did not vary with AMD disease severity (P = 0.98). No toxicity was observed with any dose of lutein. No significant changes were detected in visual acuity or visual field tests.

平均年齢は71歳(60歳から91歳、33人が女性)であった。血清ルテイン濃度は、開始前は変わらなかったが、1ヶ月で上昇し、3ヶ月までにピークに達した。平均濃度はベースラインからそれぞれ(2.5、5、10mg)、18.7-35.1microg/dl, 17.8-59.2microg/dl, 15.1-66.8microg/dlであった。ルテイン濃度の上昇は、黄斑変性症の重症度と関係しなかった。視力検査等では有意な変化を認めなかった。


Increasing doses of lutein supplements significantly increased the serum levels of lutein and zeaxanthin, and doses up to 10 mg were safely administered. A long-term large clinical trial is necessary to investigate the safety and efficacy of lutein in reducing the risk of the development of advanced AMD.

ルテインサプリメントの量を増やすことにより、血清ルテインおよびゼアキアチン濃度を上昇させることができる。10mgまでは安全に内服できる。 長期にわたる安全性と効果に関する研究が必要である。